Louez votre vélo ou e-bike chez INTERSPORT Kitzsport à Kitzbühel

Heures d'ouverture Été

18 mai 2025 - 7 oct. 2025
lundi - vendredi
09:00 - 12:30 et 13:30 - 17:00
09:00 - 12:30 et 13:30 - 17:00


Base station Hornbahn
Hornbahn Talstation Bergbahn
6370 Kitzbühel

High quality bicycles & e-bikes
Bike helmet up to 14 years free
Bikes always serviced by professionals
Individual bike setting before your tour
100 % charged e-bikes
Local excursion tips


Évaluations de clients

Évaluation globale
Procédure de la réservation en ligne
Équipe du magasin
Temps d'attente
Le Trustmark Austria de l'association commerciale est synonyme d'achats en ligne et d'achats mobiles sûrs et fiables. INTERSPORT Rent y est recertifié chaque année.

Planificateur d'itinéraire

Plus de 300 000 évaluations authentiques

Ce que nos clients en disent...

5,0 Étoiles
Loved the fact that I could collect in one store and drop off at another. Super convenient for our first day ski, collecting at a less busy store (Hornbahn), skiing that mountain on day 1 and ending our trip by skiing down to the Hahnenkammbahn and returning the gear before heading back to our accommodation. Very efficient. Friendly and knowledgeable staff, set the bindings quickly and gave use great local knowledge for our trip.
Royaume-UniIan, Ashington, février 2025
5,0 Étoiles
My family and I rented our equipment from a very nice gentleman in the shop. He was very very helpful to us throughout our visit as we rented and then stored skis overnight etc. It really was top class service and a credit to your company. We would strongly recommend your service and your colleagues to our friends. Thanks very much for a great experience which made our holidays so pleasant.
Royaume-UniKevin, london, février 2025
5,0 Étoiles
Very friendly team. We could storage our bag, easy reachable by phone and just the best service ever!
Pays-BasJildw, Rotterdam, février 2025
4,8 Étoiles
Thank you so much for all your help, the staff was very friendly!
Pays-BasYmpkje, Delft, janvier 2025