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Family & kids, Ski | Nov 11, 2021

How often do kids need new skis?

Marietta Hoffmann
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If your kids like skiing, you will know that they regularly need new skis. On the one hand, it’s more fun and easier for them to get better with properly fitting skis. On the other hand, they outgrow their equipment scarily quickly.

Unfortunately, there’s no such thing as skis that grow along with your child (yet), so the question remains: When is it time to buy new skis? The family skiing experts of INTERSPORT Rent tell you what to keep in mind when buying children’s skis.

Buying children’s skis – an individual choice

Every child has their own needs. They all grow and learn at a different speed. As the right choice of skis largely depends on your child’s riding level and height, buying new skis is highly individual. When it comes to kids, there’s simply no “one size fits all”.

As a general rule, keep in mind that a child should ride no more than two seasons with the same pair of skis. Choosing children’s skis is mainly about finding the right length. Incidentally, the following article is about carving skis, as they are the most frequent choice for children’s skis.

Which types of carving skis are there? Find out in our article!

Purchase criterion number 1: ski length


In general, short skis are more stable and easier to control than long skis. That’s why shorter skis are usually better for beginners, while longer skis are suitable for more advanced kids.

Keep in mind: If you buy skis that are too long for your child just to be “on the safe side”, this can be a real challenge (and killjoy) for your kid. Another aspect to keep in mind is your child’s weight. The more he or she weighs, the longer the skis can be.

The right length for children’s skis

Are you ready? Grab a tape measure and let’s get started! Find out how to calculate the right ski length for your child!

Recommend ski lengths:

  • beginners: height minus 35 cm – chest to shoulder height
  • advanced kids: height minus 15 cm – chin to nose height
  • accomplished kids: height minus 5 cm – nose to forehead height

When to switch from kids’ to adult skis

When your child has a height of 155 centimetres or more and a weight of 50 kilograms or more, you can switch to adult skis.

The main difference: Children’s skis have a different centre of gravity and are more agile than adult skis. Why? Because kids have a different build and less strength than adults.


Are there alternatives to buying new skis?

There are several ways to save money when it comes to children’s skis. One of them is to buy children’s skis during the end-of-season sale. Alternatively, you can find second-hand skis at a great price at winter sports markets and ski swaps. Remember to check their quality before buying though.

Our tip: If you’re unsure, have your second-hand skis checked and serviced by a winter sports expert.


If you and your family are only occasional skiers, it’s a good idea to rent your ski equipment right at the ski resort. The benefit: INTERSPORT Rent offers particularly great deals for families. What’s more, you benefit from free expert advice on the topic of children’s skis by our RENTertainers. Our winter sports experts make sure that your family’s entire equipment is perfectly adjusted and in top shape.

What else should you know when buying ski equipment for children? Find out about choosing the right size children’s helmets and children’s ski boots!